Higher Education Facilities
St. Mary’s College Of Maryland, Warring Commons, St. Mary’s City, Maryland
Waring Commons houses 336 students in 25 apartments and 39 suites. Suites contain three or four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a large common area. All three phases were designed to meet USGBC LEED 2.2 criteria. They were certified by the design team at the end of construction. The projects (three phases) were all GMP design/build. Phase one was 18 months total for design and construction; phases two and three were less than a year each since the design followed phase one intent. All phases were completed slightly ahead of schedule exceeding the owners’ expectations.
The amenities included central air conditioning, card reader access to building, key access to suite/apartment entrance and bedroom, centralized laundry room with OneCard activated machines, as well as kitchen with full-size refrigerator, stove with self-cleaning oven, cabinets, drawers, and sinks.
University of Maryland Baltimore County, Patapsco Hall
This project was the design/build expansion for resident dormitory facility. SRBR was the MEP/FP design firm working with KBE (formerly Konover). It is noteworthy this is the same team that completed all three resident halls at St. Mary’s College a few years ago. The design utilized the campus wide heating water and chilled water distribution system and connections to the campus wide electrical and telecommunications network. Each resident room included a vertical fan coil unit and DDC control package. Ventilation air was provided through a dedicated central unit with integral energy recovery. SRBR also attended meetings with facility staff to coordinate utilities and meetings with resident life personnel to insure student needs were addressed.
The project was required by contract to meet USGBC LEED Silver rating; a Gold rating was achieved at no additional cost to UMBC.
Several design change orders were provided to SRBR for efforts beyond the dormitory scope. These included the design of an emergency generating plant with the campus heating plant building and underground distribution system to various buildings. SRBR provided all on site investigations, design and construction administration phase services for this endeavor. A second change order was provided to SRBR to provide designs to address low chilled water flow in several campus buildings. Through test pits, it was discovered the as-built drawings were in error and an 8” line was actually a 6” causing the flow problem. This section of pipe was replaced and the system commissioned.
University of Maryland College Park, Central Chilled Water Plant
SRBR commissioned the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems for the central plant. The project included a 10,000 square foot building that housed 8,500 tons of central air conditioning equipment intended to cool all of the air-conditioned buildings on the campus. The entire mechanical and electrical systems throughout the building, including the control systems, were evaluated by SRBR.
University of Maryland Medical Center, Apoteca Robotic Pharmacy & 4th Floor NICU Replacement
These were two separate projects at the University of Maryland Medical Center. The first entailed renovations required to accommodate latest robotic equipment for radiation treatments. For the second, SRBR was retained by the contractor to provide field coordination drawings to insure rapid sequence of construction to fit the tight schedule.
Anne Arundel Community College, Science Building, Ann Arundel, Maryland
This project is the renovation of and addition to the existing science building for the Anne Arundel Community College. The existing acid waste sanitary system, gas distribution system, HVAC system, electrical system and lighting systems in the two story, 20,000 square foot education facility were completely renovated under extremely tight budget constraints. A 7,000 square foot addition on the second floor was added to the building. New fume hood systems and chemical storage rooms were added to the building to improve the education program. The design revolved around a closely coordinated phasing plan for construction of the continuously occupied facility.
Bowie State University, Residence Hall, Bowie, Maryland
The 300-student residence hall was designed by SRBR. The Hall was designed with a suite concept of five rooms to a suite. Central telecommunications, direct digital automatic temperature control and steam distribution systems were designed by the firm. Central, two-pipe heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems were provided with independent, split system air conditioning systems for the administration areas.
Harford Community College, Aberdeen Hall Additions and Renovations, Bel Air, Maryland
Aberdeen Hall is within the original Harford Community College campus in Bel Air, MD. The facility was occupied during the renovation and expansion which required detailed phasing plans. Additionally, the 40-year old structure required significant upgrading that included central air conditioning and other amenities for a modern higher educational facility.
The existing HVAC system was an antiquated mixture of equipment that was difficult to operate and maintain which resulted in wild temperature fluctuations. Windows were regularly opened to modulate temperatures. A complete assessment of the building was prepared which included a written report, recommendations, construction cost estimates and a rough schedule for construction.
SRBR was responsible for the energy modeling and the design of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems which included a cistern for rain water reclamation. A new electric service was included along with the data and communication system upgrades, all connected to the campus’ network.
The central heating plant serving Aberdeen Hall and several adjacent buildings was also renovated and modernized with high-efficiency boilers, pumps and controls.
Harford Community College, Havre de Grace Hall Renovations, Bel Air, Maryland
The existing Havre de Grace Hall was a 1960s 2-story classroom building that housed several departments. It was renovated to provide technologically up-to-date classrooms for electronics, mechanics and materials, and high-performance lab spaces. The renovation also included ADA improvements, the addition of an elevator, and new electrical, mechanical, telecommunications and data infrastructure. Entrances and interior spaces were renovated to provide a welcoming and friendly learning environment for the students and faculty.
Hood College, Meyron Hall Heating Upgrade, Frederick, Maryland
Meyron Hall was built in 1928 as a dormitory building. The building consists of a basement which houses student common areas and four floors of residences. There is an unfinished attic space. The existing building heating system utilizes the campus wide steam system which enters the building in the ground floor mechanical room. The steam supply is distributed throughout the building to radiators located along the exterior walls, generally under each window. The scope of work for this project was to disconnect the building from the campus steam system and provide a new dedicated hot water boiler heating system. The existing steam system equipment, piping and radiators were completely removed. Three new high efficiency gas fired, direct vent, hot water boilers were provided in a new basement mechanical room. New end suction heating water pumps were provided, and piping was distributed up through the building to serve fan coil units. The residence rooms were provided with vertical stack fan coil units, and the support spaces were provided with floor mounted units. The fan coil units and piping system were sized as a dual temperature system, so that chilled water can be connected to the building in the future. Ventilation air was provided through two 100% outside air units located in the attic and one 100% outside air unit located in the basement mechanical room. In addition, electrical circuits and devices were provided to support the new heating equipment. One new panel was installed in the basement mechanical room to serve the new boilers, air-handling units and pumps. Circuits were added to the existing panelboards at the north and south ends of the building for the new fan coil units and electric heaters throughout all four floors.
Hood College, Coblentz Hall Fire Protection System Upgrades, Frederick, Maryland
Coblentz Hall was previously protected by a wet sprinkler system that served only the basement and first floor. The existing six-inch incoming fire service entered the building through a mechanical room, then split into a basement zone, first floor zone, and east & west stairwell standpipe risers.
The scope of this project was to extend the service to provide a fully sprinklered building. A new fire pump was added in the basement and connected into the existing fire service. New six inch combined fire/standpipe risers were provided in the east and west stairwells, to serve new sprinkler systems for the second, third, and fourth floor dormitory zones. A dry pipe sprinkler system for the attic space was also added. The existing building fire alarm system was replaced with a new addressable type. Replaced devices and equipment included the main control panel, pull stations, audible and visual alarms, smoke detectors, heat detectors, flow & tamper switches, wiring, and annunciator panel. Additionally, self-contained smoke detectors in each dorm room were removed and replaced with a system smoke detector (monitored by the fire alarm panel) and an audible/visual alarm device. A separate electrical service was provided to power the new fire pump. An emergency generator and automatic transfer switches were also provided to back up the fire pump and the fire alarm system.
Howard University, Blackburn Center, Washington D.C.
This project involved a 125, 000 square foot student union building that houses the main dining facilities for the campus. SRBR was prime Architect/Engineer responsible for the complete replacement of the HVAC systems in the building. System components included terminal air handling units, HVAC piping, central HVAC plant equipment, motor control centers, and automatic temperature controls. SRBR was also responsible for the coordination of the punch-out area, which was being designed by separate architects and engineers.
Since the University operates ten months a year, SRBR was responsible to coordinate the demo of the existing HVAC units, the ordering of the new units and the installation. This had to be done within a very short period of time to prevent any downtime for campus dining.
Howard University, Gross Anatomy Laboratory, Washington D.C.
This project involved a ventilation and air conditioning study for the existing Gross Anatomy Laboratory. As a result of the study, a ventilation system was designed for the lab area and included ventilation hoods over 50 plus cadaver storage tanks to maintain negative pressure around the tanks whenever the tanks were opened for lab work. A new air conditioning system included 100% outside air capability. Lighting and power systems were upgraded as a part of the project.
Howard University, School of Social Work, Washington D.C.
This project was for the HVAC renovation of a 33,000 square foot building, comprised mainly of classrooms and facility offices. SRBR was the prime architect/engineer for this renovation and was responsible for the ordering, delivery, coordination and implementation of the project. Since the University operates ten months per year with this building housing multiple classrooms, SRBR had to ensure that there was no downtime, and therefore no missed classes. Part of this renovation was to redesign the main lobby. SRBR worked very closely with the school Deans in order to meet their needs for the new lobby and to stay within the budget.
Howard University, Seeley Mudd Building and Chemical Engineering Building, Washington D.C.
SRBR produced mechanical, electrical and plumbing design development drawings to use as the basis for a design/build systemic renovation of the Seeley Mudd Building and the Chemical Engineering Building located at Howard University in Washington DC. The scope of the project included replacement of all air handlers and terminal devices and increasing the outdoor air intake to meet current ASHRAE ventilation codes. The design also included the replacement of exhaust fans, steam pressure reducing stations, condensate receivers and pumps and the sump pumps. A new DDC automatic temperature control system for all HVAC equipment was specified. The project also included replacing the chiller, heat exchanger, cooling tower and pumps in the central plant of the Seeley Mudd Building. The electrical design included replacement of all motor control centers, motor starters, disconnects and branch circuit wiring to support the new equipment.
SRBR performed heat load and ventilation calculations based on current ASHRAE standards and codes. The design considered the constructability of the project in terms of removing and bringing in new equipment and existing conditions. SRBR participated in interviews with the staff working inside the buildings to help develop the final scope of the project. Other factors considered in the design included budget, the construction schedule and phasing in order to maintain occupancy in the building during construction. SRBR generated specifications for all equipment and materials to be used in the renovation.
Morgan State University, Blount Hall Student Dormitory, Baltimore, Maryland
This project is an 8-story, 600-student dormitory for the Morgan State University. A medium-rise hotel concept was used in the development of the project, with additional space and equipment designed for the special needs of the students. Central rooms such as conference and lounge areas were included in the design.
Morgan State University, Dormitory and Dining Facility, Baltimore, Maryland
This project is the second dormitory “tower” that is located adjacent to the Blount Hall project. This facility included the design and construction of a 200-bed dormitory over a first floor administration area and a dining facility that serves the Morgan State University campus. The mechanical and electrical systems designed into the building mirror the systems installed in Blount Hall. Central fiber optic telecommunications and direct digital automatic temperature control systems were extended through the systems located in Blount Hall. The dining facility and full production commercial kitchen were designed and constructed with the latest technological systems available for those type of facilities. SRBR conducted a computer simulation analysis that resulted in over $280,000 of direct energy rebate funds awarded to the Owner and developer of the project.
St. John’s College, Annapolis, Maryland
This project entailed renovations of the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems of a three-level classroom building. Although the building was not historically registered, design innovation was mandated to deal with education MEP elements in historical Annapolis. Example: a sub-surface vault was constructed for the air-cooled chiller.
Towson University, Central Cooling Plant and Distribution, Towson, Maryland
This project included the study of the cooling needs of the buildings in the main sector of Towson University. SRBR analyzed the central energy plant for the main campus, studied the cooling needs of the various educational buildings on the campus and determined the best means of cooling the facilities in the main sector for the life of the university.
Towson University, Dormitories, Towson, Maryland
This project included the renovation of three dormitory buildings for the Towson State University. The mechanical and electrical systems were upgraded and the toilet exhaust systems were modified to improve the living conditions of the students.
Towson University, Fine Arts Building Programming, Towson, Maryland
SRBR programmed the renovation and addition to the existing mechanical and electrical systems for the project. The project included a 90,000 square foot addition and a 108,000 square foot renovation of the fine arts building on the campus. The entire mechanical and electrical systems throughout the building will be replaced under the programming that was done by SRBR.